Triple P Parenting Seminar

Power of Positive Parenting


Dr. Nadine DeWolfe
March 2nd, 2015
7:00pm - 8:30pm

About Triple P Selected Seminar Series

An introduction to the strategies of positive parenting and Triple P. There are three seminars in the series (each about 90 minutes) of which Power of Positive Parenting is the first. This is a "light touch" intervention providing brief one-off assistance to parents who are generally coping well but have one or two concerns with their child's behaviour or development and take-home tip sheets are given to all parents who attend Triple P seminars.

Dr. DeWolfe is a practicing pediatric psychologist, president of the Psychological Association of P.E.I. , member of the Pre-School Autism Assessment Diagnostic Team, member of Spring Park United, and the mother of three wonderful growing girls.